
Get Ready for Purposeful, Powerful Praise!



The Genesis Coaching Program is a virtual 3-month foundational flag ministry program for newly formed flag ministries and seasoned flag ministries. 

Our program is based on the 3 Pillars:

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Fundamental Foundations

which covers Prayer, the Bible, and Your Personal Relationship with God.

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Flag Ministry 


which covers The History of Flags, Flag Styles & Movements, and Music Selection.

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Preparing for Purpose

which covers Choreography Concepts, Garments of Praise, and Physical Preparation. 

The Genesis Coaching Program includes 

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The Genesis Coaching Program online course- so you can learn at your own pace.

 4 Live  Group Sessions (you can also watch the recordings)


3 Monthly 1:1 Sessions


Email & Messenger Support


Private Facebook community

"If I Be Lifted Up" E-book and Instructional Video

Program Cost: $647

Don’t just take our word for it!

Listen to what our amazing students say

Cynthia K.


One of the biggest takeaways for me was learning how to go out into the community and evangelize. Now, I am well equipped and prepared with a wealth of knowledge about flags ministry to do the work God has called me to do.

Ermine B.


The Genesis Coaching Program has been an inspiration to me. I am amazed of the knowledge I've gained in regards to flags. Patricia, thank you for helping me understand flag ministry.